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At Journey Lutheran Church, we believe that whoever you are, however you come, you are welcome here.
Join us every Sunday at 9:30 AM for Worship
Journey Lutheran is an ELCA congregation where all are welcome. Our worship services are a blended style that offer something for everyone. All ages are welcome at Journey, we have a "Prayground" for younger chidren to engage with worship in a way best suited towards them and we have a "Creation Station" for older children to create their own offerings for the church. All are welcome to communion, no exceptions. Come as you are, we are glad to have you.
Upcoming Events
- Wed, Apr 02Lent starts on Ash Wednesday on March 5th. We will have dinners throughout lent on Wednesdays at 5:30pm, followed by worship at 6:30pm.
- Sat, Apr 05Join us on the first Saturday of each month for our free concert! Come early and enjoy Bingo and a meal for a free-will donation. This month we have John Smith, Dan Sebranek, Larry Delton, and Elisi Smith-Waller featured.
- Sun, Apr 13Join us for a delightful Easter Egg Hunt after worship on Palm Sunday. It's sure to be filled with excitement and sweet surprises for all ages! RSVP today so we make sure to have enough prizes for everyone (Don't worry, children can still attend even if you forgot to RSVP).
- Wed, Apr 16Join us as we conclude our Lenten study on Moses by watching The Prince of Egypt together. This film is a beautiful re-telling of the story of Moses through the Exodus and can be appreciated by all ages. See you there!
- Thu, Apr 17As part of our every other year schedule the Agape Feast returns this year as our Maundy Thursday worship. Join us for meal based in learning and fellowship, followed by a short experience based worship. Sign up at the Welcome Table or using the link below.
- Wed, Apr 23Ruby’s Pantry distributions are every 3rd Wednesday of each month. If you want to sign up to volunteer at the distribution you can use the link below or sign up at the back of the sanctuary.
- Thu, May 08Our May Blood Drive will bring back the Chicken Q with it, buy your tickets starting April 6th!
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